In the fall of 2012, the Companion Animal Parasite Council(CAPC) issued their Parasite Forecast for Lyme disease.  Along with the Centers for Disease Control,  CAPC predicts more cases of Lyme disease being diagnosed than ever before. The cold, stormy Rhode Island weather has lulled us in into believing that our pets are at zero risk for Lyme disease. The truth is, in the Northeast, ticks transmit disease 12 months of the year. Dr Susan Little, DVM, PhD, DEVPC, of CAPC, tells us that Lyme disease is transmitted to dogs from October through March. People most commonly contract Lyme disease in the summer.  Let’s throw our old beliefs out the window and start using tick protection year round. Further information can be found on the CAPC link on our Resources page.

The photo above is a deer tick. Although enlarged to show detail, deer ticks typically get to be the size of a sesame seed. A pet’s lifestyle is a major component in the decision to vaccinate. Although nothing is 100%, the experts recommend the following for maximum protection:

  • Testing your dog for Lyme disease, and starting vaccinations, if negative.
  • Checking your dog for ticks at the end of each day.
  • Using tick protection 12 months of the year.